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Sex Addiction & Betrayal Trauma

The Niagara Centre for Healing & Recovery offers support from Certified Sex Addiction (CSAT) and Certified Partner Trauma (CPTT) therapists for the treatment of complex sexual issues through the lens of shame-reduction and long-term recovery.

Areas of Expertise

Sexual Addiction

Sex addiction, also known as hypersexual disorder, is a behavioral condition characterized by an overwhelming and compulsive desire for sexual activity that interferes with daily life, relationships, and overall well-being. Individuals struggling with sex addiction often experience a loss of control over their sexual behaviors, leading to repeated and excessive engagement in sexual activities, such as pornography use, frequent casual sex, or compulsive masturbation. This condition can cause significant emotional distress, anxiety, and even physical harm.

Betrayal Trauma

Sexual betrayal trauma occurs when an individual experiences emotional and psychological harm as a result of sexual infidelity, abuse, or violation of trust in a close relationship. This type of trauma can arise from discovering a partner’s affair, sexual manipulation, or being exposed to unwanted sexual behavior, leading to profound feelings of hurt, shame, and mistrust. Symptoms of sexual betrayal trauma may include anxiety, depression, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), flashbacks, and difficulty in forming or maintaining healthy relationships.

Formal Sexual Disclosure

Formal sexual disclosures refer to the intentional sharing of personal sexual experiences, history, or behaviors with a partner and therapist in a structured, deliberate manner. This process is often a crucial step in building trust and openness within relationships, particularly when addressing issues like infidelity, sexual trauma, or sexual health. Formal sexual disclosures are typically part of therapy or counseling sessions, where individuals disclose sensitive information in a safe and supportive environment to promote healing, understanding, and emotional growth.

Cross Addictions

Financial disorders, integrity disorders (Minwalla Model), secret-keeping, and offending behavior often intersect with sex addiction, creating a complex web of psychological and emotional challenges. Financial disorders and integrity issues can manifest alongside sex addiction, where individuals may engage in risky behaviors, such as spending excessively on pornography or prostitutes, or lying to cover up their actions. Secret-keeping, another common behavior in sex addiction, is often driven by shame or fear of exposure, exacerbating betrayal trauma when these secrets are uncovered. Offending behavior, including sexual misconduct or violation of boundaries, may result from a combination of sex addiction and a lack of structured treatment planning, leading to broken trust and further trauma in relationships. The overlap of these issues requires comprehensive treatment, including therapy for addiction, trauma recovery, and addressing underlying behavioral disorders.

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